Tuesday, May 22, 2012

day 1

day one of no donkla........
my sweet tendabeast has up and left me, and the weather very much depicts my mood.(gray and rainy). I constantly think about you. theres not a second that you dont cross my mind. i try to work and do things to keep my mind off of how much I miss you, but nothing amount to more than trivial attempts at the impossible. How does one go on to be happy without the love of their life with them? Things i normally enjoy doing dont even seem fun anymore. Im done working for the day, so now im just cleaning up a little bit. I guess im going to hangout with tanner tonight again..... nothing else to do lol. There is a little bit of good news though.............. 9 DAYS TILL DONKLAS BACK!!!!!!!!! I suppose I will get  a little happier each knowing that im getting closer to seeing you again. I miss your sweet little kisses on my neck, I miss just laying and holding you in my arms.....I would pay anything just to kiss you right now, hell even a hug would be to die for. I read your note this morning and im getting ready to lsiten to the song lol. I just want you to know how perfect you are, and how much i appreciate everything you do for me honey. There seriously is no one better than you! anyways I guess im going to get off here and wait for a skype call from a certain somebody :) I love you honey!!!!!! keep on flying my donkla!!!

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