Saturday, May 26, 2012

As I sit here I dream of you, your face prettier than any ocean view. You are to me as I am to you. The one out of all that became everything. I breath in and you come out. It's your love that my every breath touts. In my dark night you are my north star guiding from the dark afar. I do not linger a moment without thoughts of you, and everything I wish us to do. It seems like years since we last kissed, but only seconds since you were last missed. My dear it seems like time is against us, but it's on our side we have an eternity to be. You are my life. You are my dreams, you are my everything it seems. As the days go by I love you more. Life without you isn't even life anymore. As you sleep know I dream, I dream of you alone. In my mind you are a princess on your thrown, but you are mine alone. I love honey, I hope your sleeping good 4 and half hours till I get to talk to you I love you!!!!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Hi donkla! So today I mowed a lot of poopy yards :/ donking didn't like that very much. Also donking missed donkla all day long and maybe even shed a tear while listening to call me maybe and thinking of donkla donkster. Donking ate way to much Mexican at lunch today :/ but it was soooooooooooooo gooooooood :) this evening tanner and Justin are coming to get "crunk" I don't know what this entails but whatever it is il be a good donking so don't worry :) so I've decided that if donkla came home today I would be very happy so I think you should do that :) also I though about your parents liking me and that makes me really happy :) I can't wait to marry you and to live with you! Anyways I guess im going to drive home and wait for a call from donkla!! :) I love you !!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Honey my alarm
Not going off this morning was a horrible blow to me. I woke up at 6 and cried I'm not even kidding. I felt soo bad, I miss you so much and would do anything just to see you. I miss you like crazy honey. What life would be without
You is starting to settle in and it sucks. It's impossible for me to even
Be a little happy. It's getting to where every little thing reminds me
Of you, all of our memories come rushing back if I see a donkey, or if I see a Honda crv I think there is my donkla! But it's not you. Anyways honey I hope you have a wonderful day, I'm doing horse riding lessons so I don't know if il be alive later. I love you so much honey you are my everything, I don't ever get you off my mind, have a good day I love you sooooooo much!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

day 2

so today i was just a sad working donking. I did some painting and some other ish at the farm house it kinda looked like the second picture. Today i was a sad donking, refer to the second picture. I just think about you all day and night. After you go to bed i just kinda wonder around not knowing what to do with myself bc i have no life besides you. On a lighter note im making a list of things for us to do when you get back! im going to plan something for each day you are gone so we make up for time lost! I guess im done working for the day now so im going to skype a donkla here soon :) after that il prob just hangout with tanner and dream of my sweet tendabeast that has left me :( i love you more than anything and miss you like crazy!!!! DONKING LOVE YOU!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

day 1

day one of no donkla........
my sweet tendabeast has up and left me, and the weather very much depicts my mood.(gray and rainy). I constantly think about you. theres not a second that you dont cross my mind. i try to work and do things to keep my mind off of how much I miss you, but nothing amount to more than trivial attempts at the impossible. How does one go on to be happy without the love of their life with them? Things i normally enjoy doing dont even seem fun anymore. Im done working for the day, so now im just cleaning up a little bit. I guess im going to hangout with tanner tonight again..... nothing else to do lol. There is a little bit of good news though.............. 9 DAYS TILL DONKLAS BACK!!!!!!!!! I suppose I will get  a little happier each knowing that im getting closer to seeing you again. I miss your sweet little kisses on my neck, I miss just laying and holding you in my arms.....I would pay anything just to kiss you right now, hell even a hug would be to die for. I read your note this morning and im getting ready to lsiten to the song lol. I just want you to know how perfect you are, and how much i appreciate everything you do for me honey. There seriously is no one better than you! anyways I guess im going to get off here and wait for a skype call from a certain somebody :) I love you honey!!!!!! keep on flying my donkla!!!